A Balanced Life of Peace and Calm IS Possible for You
You could spend quality time with your children (without worrying about the mountain of things you had to do)
You were more confident and focused at work (getting more done and achieving all you wanted to)
You could fit everything in while still having time to do the things that bring you joy
You felt more in control (able to keep your temper and stay calm at work and with your family)
You were less exhausted (and woke up feeling rested and ready for the day)
Feel guilty that you weren't present enough with your children or in your professional life
Feel stressed, rushed and pressured all the time, (distracted by the endless list of things that you need to attend to)
Feel like you were failing as a professional and as a mum
Say yes to everything, finding yourself at the end of a long list of other people's needs
Wish you could be more consistent so that you could get the results you want
Understand why you feel flustered and stressed and be able to remain calm, present and at ease
Know why you struggle to stay focused and have the tools to keep you from being distracted
Be able to think clearly and make decisions without feeling overwhelmed
Be more consistent in reaching your goals as a parent and a professional as well as for yourself
Be more patient and intentional in your relationships, letting go of resentment, anger and frustration
Have more confidence to set boundaries and get what you need in your professional and personal life
this one-of-a-kind programme helps you to unearth what is sabotaging your peace and calm and to build on the natural talents and characteristics you have to achieve all that you want to!
create a new way of being that is going to get you The results you want!
You long to be more patient and calm but the to do list is so long
You wish you felt more in control of yourself and your life and could set better boundaries
You always find yourself putting everyone else first with no time to meet your own needs
You want to feel less stressed and pressured but you feel stuck
You wish someone could show you how to make changes because you don't know where to start
You feel on top of life all the time
You are able to manage the juggle between being a parent and working without feeling guilty, frustrated and anxious
You know exactly what you want in life and how to get it
You have great boundaries and find it easy to say no
You are in control of your time and can be present and productive where you need to be
You are operating at your best in all spheres of your life
You know that things could be different if only...but you are so easily sabotaged by the voices in your head
You feel energised, peaceful and always in control of your emotions
At the same time as launching my coaching business, my first child was born. I found myself in a place where I was flustered, frenetic and constantly feeling guilty for all that I wasn't doing while trying to do all that I was doing the right way.
Through much research and experience, I finally realised that it was only through building my resilience that I was going to be the mum, wife and coach that I wanted to be.
And so I built a new way of being, a calmer, more productive way of being that allows me to be more focused in my work and have a deep relationship with my children that models confidence, certainty and ease in the face of challenge and stress.
After my own journey to a place where I feel more in control, focused and present and after many years of coaching other professional mums, I am excited to help you do the same!
Take ownership of your life by building YOUR Resilience so that you can live out your vision of the calm, peaceful life you long for!
Each week for 6 months, there will one to three short videos for you to watch. These videos will be approximately 10 to 20 minutes in length so the maximum time watching will be one hour per week.
Some weeks will offer an activity or a tool for you to do which will depend on the depth in which you go into the work.
There will be one 60 minute coaching or thinking session per week for you to attend live.
The more you dig into the content and the coaching available to you, the more you will get out of this programme so it is 100% worth your time to show up as much as you can for 6 months for something that will change your life forever!
As with any kind of training, your results will depend on how much you put into the work that you are doing!
Just by giving yourself two hours to slow down and be present to the training and in the coaching, you will already start to see a shift in how you feel and in how you perceive yourself.
This will grow with each week as you dig in and do this exciting work!
There is no individual coaching offered within the structure of the programme but if you feel that you would like individual coaching to deepen the work that you are doing in the programme, feel free to contact me.
No refunds are offered on this programme.
If you do the work, you will see the results that you long for and the ROI will be worth it!
Simple Habits